Blog Post

How to Eat Comfortably When You Have Dental Braces

Dr Alex Silman • May 18, 2022
girl with dental braces

No matter their age, people with new braces face a little bit of trial and error before feeling comfortable performing everyday tasks like eating, drinking, and brushing. While most patients get the hang of things in no time, the initial learning period presents unique challenges for everyone.

One of the most common questions people with new braces ask is "How do I eat comfortable with braces?" Fortunately, following a few helpful tips helps you enjoy a healthy diet, avoid tooth decay, and prevent damage to your teeth or braces.

At Dr. Silmans' Smile Spas, our compassionate dental professionals dedicate their time to helping people with all of their dental needs, from regular check-ups to eating with braces. If you're struggling to eat with braces, read on to learn about different foods to eat and other helpful tips for enjoying a healthy diet without emergency trips to the orthodontist.

Read up on the tips but still have questions? We proudly serve New Jersey residents in the Manalapan, Parlin, and Long Branch areas. Give us a call today.

Common Concerns for New Braces Patients

For those in their first few days of having new orthodontic gear, navigating the do's and don'ts often feels overwhelming. Many have difficulty keeping track of which foods to eat with braces, which to avoid, and even how to properly care for their braces.

While this blog covers tips for snacking comfortably with braces, new braces wearers may face challenges including:

●     Sore or chapped lips

●     Sore teeth and gums

●     Difficulty brushing and flossing

●     Pain from tightening or other adjustments

●     Bad breath

●     Irritated cheeks

●     And more

All of the above factors play a role in braces comfort. Make sure to manage lip and cheek discomfort and stay on top of oral hygiene during your treatment to prevent discomfort.

When to Seek Orthodontic Treatment

While some mouth discomfort generally occurs during the first week of braces treatment, it should not disrupt your life. If you experience like those above to a life-disrupting degree, speak with our compassionate staff to start working on personalized solutions.

Tips for Eating Comfortably While Wearing Braces

If you feel frustrated by sore gums, popped brackets, bent wires, or food stuck in your braces, you may be ready to go on a liquid diet. Don't stress! While adding protein shakes and other easy-to-swallow liquids to your diet can help, you don't need to restrict yourself. Read below for a few ideas to keep variety in your diet without putting your treatment at risk.

Tip #1: Eat Soft Foods

The number one thing you can do while receiving orthodontic treatment involves avoiding hard foods as much as possible. While this seems restrictive, in truth a variety of textures and flavors exist to help you enjoy a balanced diet while you protect your smile.

Below we provide a few examples of some of the best foods you can customize to your palate.

Mashed Potatoes

While dentists recommend avoiding battered or crunchy fried potatoes, mashed, steamed, baked, twice baked, and boiled potatoes work well.

Potatoes absorb flavor well, making them a versatile option if you need a little variety. Try adding different ingredients or toppings for different results.

If you have a sweet tooth or potatoes aren't your thing, try a sweet potato with cinnamon and butter for a delicious treat.


For a quick breakfast or lunch option that tastes great without the risk, try smoothies. Blend your favorite fruit juices with ice or more fruit to create delicious blends that won't stick to your teeth. For best results, avoid chia seeds.

If you don't count yourself as a fruit fan, consider meal replacement shakes. These designer drinks come packed with protein to keep you full without all the muss and fuss of traditional food and come in flavors like chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Avoid added sugar and sugar mixes like drink concentrate, however.


Getting braces takes a toll on your teeth and gums. Treat yourself by making customized charcuterie boards!

For best results, avoid popcorn, nuts, crunchy vegetables, and crusty, hard rolls—at least while your teeth adjust. Instead, opt for:

●     Soft fruits, such as peaches or melons

●     Soft bread, like crustless wheat or naan

●     Thinly-sliced or easy-to-chew lunch meats

●     Soft cookies and soft sweet treats like mousse

●     Cooked veggies

●     Jellied fruits

●     Flavored yogurt dips

Whatever meat, fruit, or bread you use for your board, cut it into bite-sized pieces and chew carefully to prevent issues.


Eggs in any form provide a healthy, customizable protein for every meal. From scrambled eggs to poached, experiment to find which egg dishes you enjoy the most, and play around with ingredients to try new, bold flavors.

The truth is, braces make meals a bit more challenging, not impossible. Once you get used to your braces, try reintroducing your favorite foods in a braces-friendly way, with smaller bites.

Tip #2: Avoid Sticky Candy and Sugary Foods

This should come as no surprise, but the next best thing you can do to eat comfortably involves avoiding sticky foods. Avoid biting into or sucking on sticky candies such as:

●     Gum

●     Toffee

●     Taffy

●     Caramel

●     Hard candy

It also pays to avoid certain foods while wearing braces, such as:

●     Caramel sauce

●     Rice crispy treats

●     Marshmallow fluff

●     Oatmeal

●     Sugary drinks

●     Fruits in syrup

Tip #3: Keep Up With Your Oral Hygiene

Beyond eating soft foods and avoiding candy and sugary drinks, taking care of your oral health provides you with the best foundation for comfortable eating.

During your entire treatment, stay in touch with your orthodontist to know what to expect from your braces, when to get adjustments, and more.

Additionally, clean your teeth, mouth, and braces as often as possible. Remove plaque, a sticky film that builds up on your braces, by following dentist recommendations for cleaning. Rinse your mouth after every meal to remove small pieces of food.

Find Compassionate Orthodontic Treatment for Patients of All Ages

To eat with braces successfully, employ practices such as:

●     Snacking on soft, ideal foods such as fruits, yogurt, and potato dishes

●     Avoid hard or crunchy foods, such as nuts, popcorn, and hard candy

●     Avoiding sticky, sugary food like caramel and toffee

●     Cleaning your braces often

●     Learning to chew with your back teeth when appropriate

●     Avoiding biting into crunchier food with your front teeth

Getting braces can make your teeth sore, but this discomfort passes. While braces take a moment to get the hang of, with a little practice most people can eat all their favorite foods, including spicy foods, snacks, and more.

At Dr. Silmans Smile Spas, we understand the challenges faced by those undergoing braces treatment. For expert care and guidance during your smile journey, reach out to any of our offices in New Jersey today.

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